CMAC students will complete an annual progress toward degree report, which is due on April 1 of each year you are enrolled. The program (through the DGS) must subsequently certify to the Associate Dean of the Graduate School that this report has been received and that it shows you have made satisfactory progress in the academic year just concluded. If the DGS or the CMAC Graduate Faculty have any doubt that satisfactory progress has been made, the DGS will forward a copy of the report to the faculty members of the Graduate Committee, and to your doctoral committee for further consideration and discussion.
The Graduate School tracks annual reports as a “milestone” in your official record. Failure to submit an annual progress report will jeopardize your continuation in the graduate program.
If you have not completed coursework or preliminary certification, your report should identify the likely schedule of courses still to be taken, the likely dates at which you will submit a portfolio for preliminary certification, and plans to fulfill language requirements if not yet completed.
If you are ABD (all but dissertation), the report should describe progress on your dissertation research, identify any portions of completed written work, establish a clear time-line for completion of any remaining chapters of the dissertation, and set a target date for final defense.