Social Movements and Social Media

ISS 323S

Examines uses and abuses of social media by social movements. Interested in a broader historical study of mediating technologies and oppositional public sphere, course considers the uses of cameras, phones, cassette players, radio, and social media platforms, but also books, bodies, art, fashion, and automobiles as oppositional technologies. Studies political and ethical uses of technologies in social unrest. Investigates impact of technologies on social movements and social transformations in contemporary history. Student driven case studies will highlight contemporary engagement with social media by networked social movements.
Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • EI
  • STS
  • ALP
  • CZ
Cross-Listed As
  • AAAS 247S
  • AMES 318S
  • ICS 320S
  • LATAMER 320S
  • LIT 320S
  • RIGHTS 323S
  • VMS 323S
Typically Offered
Spring Only