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Angela Zoss

Senior Manager, IT
Computational Media, Arts & Cultures
Box 90196, Bostock Library, Durham, NC 27708
Bostock 032, 411 Chapel Drive, Durham, NC 27708


Since December 2021, Angela has served as the Interim Head and now Head of the Assessment and User Experience Strategy (AUXS) Department. She provides leadership and direction for the Duke University Libraries’ strategy and practice of Assessment and User Experience, including developing, maintaining, and integrating user-focused web content, data, and discovery platforms.

From 2018 to 2021, Angela worked as the Assessment and Data Visualization Analyst in AUXS, offering support for special data projects and providing leadership and project management for a variety of teams related to library reporting, gathering user data, and making improvements to library spaces and services.

From 2012 to 2018, Angela worked as the Data Visualization Coordinator for Data and Visualization Services (now the Center for Data and Visualization Sciences). In that role she created many library workshops and short courses on visualization; consulted with students, researchers, and faculty members on research projects; and helped to introduce visualization concepts and tools into a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses.

Ph.D. in Information Science, Indiana University (2018)
M.S. in Communication, Cornell University (2008)
B.A. in Cognitive Science and Communication & Culture, Indiana University (2003)